Source: Martha Danforth, caller; also from American Square Dances of the West and Southwest by Lee Owens (Kessinger, 2005)

First couple leads out to the right of the ring,
Circle up four go half-way ‘round
Inside couple arch.

Inside arch, outside under
Inside arch, outside under
Inside arch, outside under
Inside arch, outside under

Out in the center, give her a swing
Lead right on to the next in the ring
Join your hands and circle up four
Circle four in the middle of the floor.
Birdie in the cage, close the door
Flop your wings and sing no more.
Bird flies out, crow hops in,
Three hands up and gone again.
Crow steps up and partners swing,

On you go to the next in the ring.
Circle four go half-way round
Inside couple arch.

Inside arch, outside under
Inside arch, outside under
Inside arch, outside under
Inside arch, outside under

Everybody dance and everybody swing,
And swing on back to your place in the ring.
Corner with your left, go left hand round,
Right to your partner, right and left grand,
Grand right and left ‘til you meet your own
Promenade your partners home.
Take those pretty girls right on around,
Square your sets and settle down.

Repeat the call for Couples #2, #3, and #4 in turn.