Soldier, Soldier, Won’t You Marry Me?

(This song comes from the earliest days of our country. Some things never change.)

Soldier, soldier, won’t you marry me
with your musket, fife, and drum?
Oh no, sweet maid, I cannot marry you
for I have no HAT to put on.

So off she went to the hatmaker’s shop
As fast as she could run,
She bought him a hat, a very fine hat,
And the soldier put it on.

Soldier, soldier, won’t you marry me
with your musket, fife, and drum?
Oh no, sweet maid, I cannot marry you
for I have no SHIRT to put on, etc.






NOW, soldier, soldier, will you marry me
with your musket, fife, and drum?
Oh no, sweet maid, I cannot marry you
for I have a WIFE at home!!!!

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